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Dana Hulburt

I love the quietude of dawn and the restfulness that settles with dusk. This is when I feel most alive, when the light dances on the earth in prismatic colors. During this time wildlife gracefully appears. Whether I am on the beach or in the forest I am free! Free to sense, observe, collect, sketch, photograph or just wander. Free to soak up life, light and ideas to use at the easel later.

As time comes into my life I bring forth these ideas with a vital urgency and happiness. The bringing forth of an idea is a fascinating process. When starting a painting there is much thoughtful work: the initial notan, value study and palette.   Then as the painting is underway the fun begins: the experimenting, the doing and responding, and the spontaneous dance at the easel. This is when the surprises begin to take place and the painting takes on a life of it’s own. The initial painting idea is soundly rooted in theory to begin, but the growth and life of the painting come from imagination and intuitive responding! Here lies the excitement and thrill in painting!